Based on the paper Shifting from Abundance and Centrality - Fluctuating Microbes are Key Drivers of Long Lasting Microbiome Manipulation
S.D. people percentile score
Count of top5 study occurrence
Count of study occurrence
Explanation of Table Columns
Taxa: Represents the name of the bacterial taxa in a hierarchical format. Includes:
g__: Specific genus
s__: Specific species
t__: Specific strain
Example: g__Escherichia;s__coli;t__K12
S.D. People Percentile Score: The percentile ranking of the bacterial taxa among
individuals with the standard deviation (S.D.) population profile. Higher scores indicate a more
prominent presence in the S.D. population.
Count of Top 5 Study Occurrences: The number of studies where the taxa appeared in the
top 5 taxa of the S.D. population distribution, highlighting its prominence across studies.
Count of Study Occurrences: The total number of studies in which the taxa was
identified. The database currently includes data from 10 Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
Consistency: A measure of the taxa’s prominence across studies, calculated as:
Consistency = Count of Top 5 Study Occurrences ÷ Count of Study Occurrences
A higher score indicates consistent prominence across studies.